Wednesday, October 8, 2014

This is why Michael Hastings was murdered.
19,000 Swiss Bank Accounts that fund Terrorism.
This also explains why Holder stepped down

For those who have not taken the time to Watch/LISTEN to this interview…. Scott Bennett, 2nd Lieutenant Army worked in the Counter Terrorism Financing division. He exposes what Michael Hastings was working on, when Hastings was murdered. He connects the dots to Edward Snowden and others.

Project Camelot interview with Scott Bennett

He wrote a book exposing all of this; SHELL GAME: A military Whistleblowers Report To Congress. Published on Oct 2, 2014 Discussion of the book

SHELL GAME: A Military Whistleblowing Report to the U.S. Congress Exposing the Betrayal and Cover-Up by the U.S. Government of the Union Bank of Switzerland-Terrorist Threat Finance Connection to Booz Allen Hamilton and U.S. Central Command By 2LT Scott Bennett 11th Psychological Operations Battalion (retired)
Part of the reason behind Eric Holder’s immediate retirement.

Scott Bennett is a U.S. Army Special Operations Officer (11th Psychological Operations Battalion, Civil Affairs-Psychological Operations Command), and a global psychological warfare-counterterrorism analyst, formerly with defense contractor Booz Allen Hamilton.
He received a Direct Commission as an Officer, held a Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmentalized Information (TS/SCI) security clearance, and worked in the highest levels of international counterterrorism in Washington DC and MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Florida. He has worked at U.S. Special Operations Command, U.S. Central Command, the State Department Coordinator for Counterterrorism, and other government agencies. He served in the G.W. Bush Administration from 2003 to 2008, and was a Social Science Research Fellow at the Heritage Foundation. His writings and lectures seek to enhance global awareness and understanding of modern psychological warfare, the international intelligence.

SHELL GAME: A Military Whistleblowing Report to the U.S. Congress Exposing the Betrayal and Cover-Up by the U.S. Government of the Union Bank of Switzerland-Terrorist Threat Finance Connection to Booz Allen Hamilton and U.S. Central Command. A military whistleblowing report to congress exposing the betrayal and cover-up by the u.s. government of the union bank of switzerland-terrorist threat finance connection to edward snowden's report on the national security agency, central intelligence agency, booz allen hamilton and u.s. central command.

FOLLOW THE MONEY: This is the true story about the report which prompted Edward Snowden to go public with information about unconstitutional abuses against Americans by the National Security Agency, the Central Intelligence Agency, the Department of Justice and the President of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama. It is the story which triggered the National Security Agency and the Central Intelligence Agency to panic, and in that panic, unintentionally reveal to the American public the real war of lies and national security-police state country being perpetually constructed around them—and the other nations of the world. Additionally a 2010 Army Whistleblowing Report Predicted the Benghazi Libya attacks and potential Middle East anarchy in response to the U.S. Congressional and Military policy reversal of DADT on Muslim lands
