14 September 2012

New Delhi, 13th September, 2012–TYC’s Indefinite Hunger Strike reached its 11th day today and the completion of 264 hours this morning.
Gio, 13/09/2012 - 12:13

Since early 2009, the number of self-immolations has spiralled to a horrific 50, including one that took place in New Delhi in March this year. China’s inhuman response has been to intensify oppression and carry out severe reprisals, especially against relatives, friends and those who have shared information about the self-immolations. This includes long-term prison sentences, detentions, abuse and intimidation. Beijing's response to these self-immolations is an official stance of indifference to what is happening inside Tibet. In view of the promises made by both the European Parliament and the United Nations during previous hunger strikes, the Tibetan Youth Congress has resolved to resume its hunger strike in New Delhi. It calls upon both the International Community and the People's Republic of China to take action and initiates the following demands and appeal.

- International Community

The European Union, The United Nations, governments and non-governmental organizations having supported the demands of the two hunger strikes earlier organized by TYC, thank them, and ask them to immediately fulfill the promises made by them through a multilateral approach.

- The Government of China

Tibet continues to reel under the exploitative policies through which China imposes its occupation of Tibet.Any dissent is brutally crushed utilizing the most sophisticated mechanisms of control.To learn about the true conditions within Tibet- and to understand the aspiration of Tibetans inside Tibet -governments,International organizations and the media should be granted immediate access to travel in Tibet.
Release Tibetan prisoners of conscience including The Panchen Lama, Gedhun Choekyi Nyima, and Tulku Tenzin Delek, and stop the witch hunts in Tibet that that have been targeting public intellectuals, religious leaders, poets, musicians and singers and artists.
TYC condemns the government of China for maligning and misrepresenting the actions of the brave self-immolators. TYC deems their sacrifices as the ultimate form of nonviolent action. It demands that the government of China immediately stops making denigrating statements about the self-immolators.

We appeal to Governments around the Free World, and members of the International Community, to recognize the true historical and legal status of Tibet as an Independent Nation.
