12 June 2012

Syria: UN observers blocked from entering town of al-Haffeh, fired at upon departure

12 June 2012 – Following repeated efforts, UN observers were unable to reach the Syrian town of al-Haffeh today as angry crowds surrounded their vehicles, stopping them from proceeding any further, after which they were shot at as they departed.

“The crowd, who appeared to be residents of the area, hurled stones and metal rods at the UN vehicles. The UN observers turned back,” the spokesperson for the UN Supervision Mission in Syria (UNSMIS), Sausan Ghosheh, said today.

“As they were leaving the area, three vehicles heading towards Idlib were fired upon – the source of fire is still unclear,” she added in a statement, noting that the observers had returned safely to their bases.

UNSMIS staff members have been trying to reach al-Haffeh since 7 June, but have been impeded by the ongoing violence in the area. The city is reportedly besieged, with heavy fighting going on.

“UNSMIS calls on the parties to grant the UN observers immediate and unfettered access to conflict zones,” Ms. Ghosheh said.
