firma qui:

15 October 2012

EU: Feed kids, not cars

Food crops are going up in smoke, trashing rainforests and driving mass starvation. The European Commission was set to announce a halt to this dangerous trend this Wednesday, but instead corporate lobbyists have all but convinced the EU to burn more food and we have only hours to stop them. Send an urgent message, in English or any other European language, to EU President Barroso now using the form on the right -- below are some suggestions on what to say:

1.             European biofuel use is driving up food prices in a world where almost a billion people already go hungry.

2.             Instead of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, EU biofuel policy is making them worse by clearing rainforests - but the EU does not even count this major source of emissions in its carbon calculations.

It is time to call a halt to this madness. The EU should immediately get rid of biofuels that make climate change worse by releasing more greenhouse gases than fossil fuels, and act now to end the use of crops as fuel.
