CPSGAZA: in front of the indifference of the international community,
we will protect Human Rights!

We, the under signers of this statement, are concerned for the situation of the Middle East and particularly of the Gaza Sea and its fishermen and we understand that the continuous violations of Human Rights that the Israeli Navy is committing in the Gaza territorial waters is not tolerable. Today, the livelihoods of the Gaza Fishermen are severely compromised as a result of the 3 nautical miles limit that Israel, contravening International Law and bilateral agreements, has unilaterally imposed over Gaza territorial waters. They are threatened, arrested while doing their job. They see how their boats are confiscated. Moreover, between June 2008 and August 2009, one fisherman has been killed and 8 have been injured by Israeli fire. In front of the inaction of our states and governments, we, representatives of the civil society, support and promote the deployment of CPSGAZA, the International Civil Peace Service for the Gaza Territorial Water. In compliance with International Law, CPSGAZA will monitor potential Human Rights violations and document breaches in the Rule of Law accompanying Gaza fishermen, travelling in an identifiable boat and following a strict mission and principles statement.Through this initiative launched by the Popular Struggle Coordination Committee, the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights, the Fishing Marine Sports Association in Gaza and a large number of international NGO´s committed with Rule of Law and Peacebuilding promotion we want to express that we cannot accept the indifference and apathy of the International Community in front of the incessant violations of the International Law. We want to take a standpoint.

First signatures:

1. International Network for Palestinian Nonviolent Resistance (International)

2. Union of Agricultural Work Committees (Palestine)

3. The Fishermen's Syndicate of Gaza (Palestine)

4. The Fishermen's Association in Gaza (Palestine)

5. Nova – Centro para la Innovación Social (Spain/Catalonia)

6. Servizio Civile Internazionale (Italia)

7. IPRI Rete CCP - Network of Civilian Peace Services (Italia)

8. Italian Peace Association
