Workshop on Nonviolent Intervention (NI) / Unarmed Civilian Peacekeeping (UCP)

Title: Nonviolent Intervention / Unarmed Civilian Peacekeeping
Subtitle: Preventing Violence and Working towards Nonviolent Alternatives


(still a draft, not finally confirmed)

“Workshop I”:                   90 minutes

1. Main speech: State of the art of discussion on NI/UCP from a researcher’s viewpoint (30 ‘)
Rachel Julian
She is a researcher (and former Nonviolent Peaceforce staff) from Britain specializing in Unarmed Civilian Peacekeeping. She and I are just working together on an issue of a peace research magazine on UCP (Peace Review) which will come out in 2015, and which is intended to reflect the “state of the art” of UCP. She is definitely coming to Sarajevo, bringing some of her students from Leeds with her, and she already knows that there is something in the pipeline. I could make the request formal.

2. Nonviolent Peaceforce as one practical example of UCP (15’)
Atif Hameed is Programme Director, Nonviolent Peaceforce and has been working for many years in the field for NP, first in Sri Lanka, then in the Philippines. He is now working for NP in its HQ. He would give insights on UCP as a professional tool used by NGOs.

3. Experiences from Italy: NI in former Yugoslavia
Alberto L’Abate: sociologist and peace researcher at Florence University, peace activist in different Italian organizations, writer (“The Art of Peace”)

4. Time for Exchange and Discussion (30’) – method to be decided

“Workshop II”: 90 minutes

Experiences and examples of NI/UCP (10’ each)  – “multi-media” approach?

1. Introduction on framework by facilitator (5-10’)

2. Experiences from Croatia: Osijek Peace Teams etc.
Katarina Kruhonja (Pax Christi International, Center for Peace, Nonviolence and Human Rights Osijek; Right Livelihood Award winner)
Point of view of someone who has both organized projects of nonviolent intervention and being the local partner of internationals coming to Croatia.

3. Experiences from nonviolent accompaniment of local peace communities, peace builders and human rights’ activists (FOR Peace Presence in San José de Apartadó/Colombia)
Irmgard Ehrenberger, Fellowship of Reconciliation Austria, is the co-coordinator of FOR’s accompaniment project in SJA

4. EAPPI (Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel)
Manuel Quintero is the International Coordinator of the programme in the World Council of Churches HQ in Geneva
Pete is in contact with him.

5. Institutionalizing nonviolent intervention and Civil Peace Services at national/government level
Christian Pfeifer, Forum ZFD/CPS, Germany; Regional Office for the Western Balkans

6. Luisa Morgantini: Experiences with NI and with efforts to institutionalize them on a political (European) level (15’)
Luisa Morgantini is a trade unionist, peace activist (Women in Black, Associazione per la pace) and former Member and Vice President of the European Parliament from Italy.

7. Time for Exchange and Discussion (30’) – method to be decided
