September 03, 2013

Exile Tibetans mark 53rd Democracy Day

Dharamshala, September 2: The Tibetan government in exile reiterated its commitment to the Middle-Way Approach to resolve the issue of Tibet. The Tibetan Prime Minister Lobsang Sangay said the Middle-Way Approach is “the only way, as the basis for negotiations, to peacefully resolve the issue of Tibet.” “we hope that the Chinese leadership will take note of the merits of this approach and resolve the Tibet issue, so that we can end the suffering of Tibetans inside Tibet.”

Sangay was speaking on Monday at the official function to mark the 53rd Tibetan democracy day at the Tsulakhang courtyard. Local Tibetans, foreigners and government officials gathered to mark the day. Sangay and his cabinet colleagues, Speaker Penpa Tsering and members of the Tibetan parliament in exile, Tibetan government officials were present on the occasion.

The function began with the unfurling of the Tibetan national flag by Sikyong Sangay and the rendition of the Tibetan national anthem.

Dr. Sangay appealed all the Tibetans to exercise their “democratic rights” and responsibilities diligently, bearing in mind the need for solidarity and unity with the suffering of Tibetans inside Tibet.

“The situation inside Tibet, as you know, continues to be grim. This is reflected in the alarming incidents of self-immolations, now numbering 120, including 22 in 2013 alone. 103 of them have died. The only way to end this heartrending and grave situation is for China to respect the aspirations of the Tibetan people: freedom for the Tibetan people and the return of His Holiness the Great Fourteenth Dalai Lama to Tibet.”

In his address, Speaker Penpa Tsering said that the critical situation inside Tibet is a result of harsh Chinese policies and lack of democratic system in Tibet.

Tsering further noted that “preparations be made in earnest to present this excellent system of democracy as a gift when Tibetans inside and outside are reunited after a solution to the Tibetan problem is found.”
