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I don't lie and I never misinformed my readers, as my long carreer as journalist can prove.
Baby Siqueira Abrão
Brazilian journalist - Middle East correspondent por Brasil de Fato  -  Carta Maior

1. I, Baby Siqueira Abrão, Brazilian journalist and activist for social justice and human rights, declare that the message about the pressions that Zionists are making against WSF Free Palestine was sent by me as citizen, activist and journalist, not as a supporter of the Forum's Brazilian Organizer Committee.
2. My aim was to alert my friends, activists around the world, about what is going on in Brazil, because I understand this information is vital to our joint struggle for a world where justice and freedom are real and not bare words.
3. I assert the truthfulness of the information I've communicate. Those facts are not secrets, as you can see here  and here, among other media and Zionist's blogs sources  I don't lie and I never misinformed my readers, as my long carreer as journalist can prove.
4. The governor Tarso Genro's and the adviser of the mayor José Fortunati's e-mails weren't placed in my message by me. They were add by other activists, who surely did it with thinking that a contact with them could support the Forum.
5. On the same way, I didn't sign the message as a "WSF organizer". It was add by another activists.
6. The facts on the itens 4 and 5 can be checked in my original message, sent to my mailing list.
7. I reaffirm our rights to inform our pairs and change informations with them, in order to improve our struggle for a better world, free of injustices, violence and opression.