24 August 2012

Israeli threats against Iran are in violation of UN Charter: envoy

TEHRAN – Iran’s deputy ambassador to the United Nations has said that threats of military action being issued against Iran by the Zionist regime are in flagrant violation of the UN Charter. 

Ambassador Eshaq Ale-Habib made the remarks in a letter to the French ambassador to the United Nations, Gérard Araud, who currently holds the rotating presidency of the Security Council.  


The text of the letter was released on Wednesday. 

Following is the text of Ale-Habib’s letter, a copy of which was sent to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon:  

Upon instructions from my Government, I wish to draw your attention to a recent Israeli media blitz relaying reports that the regimes’ Prime Minister and Defense Minister have decided to launch an attack on Iranian nuclear facilities. These reports indicate that Israeli officials, unwarrantedly and under erroneous and false presumptions on Iran’s peaceful nuclear activities, threaten the use of force against the Islamic Republic of Iran by signaling the imminence of an Israeli attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities to the extent that the former Vice Prime Minister of the Israeli regime on a televised interview insinuated that such a purported Israeli attack has been planned in “a hasty and irresponsible” manner.

The Islamic Republic of Iran expresses, once again, its deep concern over and strong condemnation of such a provocative, unwarranted, and irresponsible statement by Prime Minister and Defense Minister as well as other officials of Israeli regime frequently threaten(ing) Iran with military strike. Such statements are in flagrant violation of the most fundamental provisions of the Charter of the United Nations and the basic principles of international law and are against the global efforts to strengthen regional and international peace and security.

The irony is that there has been no reaction on the part of Western leaders and/or relevant organs of the United Nations including the United Nations Security Council vis-a-vis the inflammatory remarks and baseless allegations leveled against Iran’s peaceful nuclear program. Rather some even spare no occasion to align themselves with such statements.

Needless to say that the Israeli regime’s record in crimes and atrocities amounting to crimes against humanity and its clandestine development and unlawful possession of nuclear weapons is unpaired in the world. Contrary to the Israeli records, the Islamic Republic of Iran is a leading nation in rejecting all kinds of weapons of mass destruction, including nuclear weapons. As a State party to the Treaty of the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, the Islamic Republic of Iran has on many occasions declared that nuclear weapons is the most lethal and inhumane weapons and, therefore, have no place in the defense doctrine of the country.

I wish also to reiterate my Government’s position that the Islamic Republic of Iran has no intention to attack any other nations. Nonetheless, in accordance with its inherent right under Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations, Iran would not hesitate to act in self-defense to respond to any attack against the Iranian nation and to take appropriate defensive measures to protect herself.

I would highly appreciate if this letter could be circulated as a document of the Security Council.

Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.
