New York, 11 February 2011
Secretary-General's statement on the situation in Egypt

I have just learned of President Mubarak's decision to step down, and I continue to monitor developments in Egypt. I respect what must have been a difficult decision, taken in the wider interests of the Egyptian people.

At this historic moment, I reiterate my call, made as recently as last night, for a transparent, orderly and peaceful transition that meets the legitimate aspirations of the Egyptian people and includes free, fair and credible elections leading to the early establishment of civilian rule. I urge the interim authorities to chart a clear path forward with the participation of all stakeholders.

In this process, it is vital that human rights and civil liberties are fully respected, and that genuine and inclusive dialogue is assured. The voice of the Egyptian people, particularly the youth, has been heard, and it is for them to determine the future of their country.

I commend the people of Egypt for the peaceful, courageous and orderly manner in which they have exercised their legitimate rights. I call on all parties to continue in the same spirit.

The United Nations stands ready to assist in the process.
