European Development Officer - Nonviolent Peaceforce
Report April 2005
by Alessandro Rossi

Fundraising, Outreach and Relationships at European level

&Mac183; Met with Mr.Perez in European Commission on EU development money availability for peace projects: it seems possible, but NP should be partner of a well-established development NGO.
&Mac183; Corresponded with EC officials on European Civil Peace Corps feasibility study.
&Mac183; Studied forecasts in European Initiative for Human Rights and Democracy calls for proposals: ones issued till now are not suitable for NP current activities.
&Mac183; Written a workshop report on “how can NGO be involved in European civilian crisis management”.to be included in the proceedings publication from the conference in Brussels on “Partners in prevention: moving from theory to practice. EU Civilian Crisis Management and Development Policies, Sustainable Approaches to Training, and Involvement of Civil Society”, organised by the Luxembourg presidency of the EU together with EPLO, the swedish Folke Bernadotte Academy and the Foundation Madariaga (participants from Institutions, Foundations and NGOs).
&Mac183; Participated in a conference for the 25th anniversary of the European Bureau for Conscience Objection: they are available to consider collaboration.
&Mac183; The Belgian Agency for the EU Socrates-Grundtvig programme turned down a small grant demand for local training activities because "our activity don't benefit enough local audiences”.
&Mac183; The EPLO General Assembly approved working groups including one on budget-related lobbying. Commented on the EPLO position on the European Commission draft for the new financial "Stability Instrument".

Fundraising, Outreach and Relationships at national levels

- Italy
Went to Siena, in MontePaschi Foundation’s headquarters, to meet their vice-director about how NP could fit in their grant criteria: we can apply for about 90.000 euros if in conjunction with an Italian association to have "local visibility and impact". Deadline 15 May.
- Sweden
Received an invitation for a scenario-exercise on NGOs' participation in crisis management (where government and army officilas will participate too).
- Netherlands
Studied new granting schemes: in June a special call for international NGOs will be issued.
- Finland
Corresponded with Anne Palme (coordinator of Finnish Ngo’s platform KATU) and agreed on a visit to meet key people in Finland (NGOs and government) next June.
- Belgium
Desperately asking for information about a budget line on" Consolidation of peace", but Foreign Ministry officials seem not motivated in answering (!).

Other Strategic and Outreach Activities:

· Participated in the regional NP meeting in Romania (21-27 April) and in the following ENCPS meeting, reporting about EPLO, GPPAC, EU and fundraising related issues. Minutes will follow soon.
· Participated in the NP-GPPAC working group and read GPPAC info bulletin.

- Coordination (together with Rachel) of the part-time intern (Ben), of a few-hours-per-month intern (Maria Kesetzi, analysing EU country strategy papers) and a senior volunteer (Daniele Pinardi, helping with presentation drafting) in the Brussels office:
- Corresponded with various universities wishing to send neograduated students as interns.
- Calling and visiting around for new office space, now a possibility is with EPLO and other major conflict prevention Brussels-based NGOs and think-tanks.
· 4 days of holidays and 2 of paternity leave taken.
· 21 days of holidays left for 2005.
&Mac183; Help in organising the Brussels office move and the selection process for a Communication and Fundraising Officer.
&Mac183; Recalling national-based donor agencies and try to have those with offices in SL to fix meetings with Rachel while there.
&Mac183; Submitting applications for Sri Lanka project (to MontePaschi foundation at least).
&Mac183; Drafting a Power Point presentation for “non experts” on EU funding mechanisms (asked by Mel).