Nonviolent Peaceforce - Europe
Annual Meeting
Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Introductory Letter

Starting the process …
Dear MOs of Nonviolent Peaceforce (and EN.CPS),

We are glad to announce the beginning of preparations for the annual meeting of NP European Member Organizations (MOs) which will take place in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, in April 2005, and would like to invite you to a participatory process as we prepare the meeting and work together to identify the topics and issues we feel will be important for us to discuss.

Proposed Dates for the Meetings
The suggested dates for the meeting are the 23rd and the 24th of April 2005 for the NP meeting, and the 25th and 26th of April 2005 for the meeting of ENCPS. Please let us know what you think of these dates and provide us with your feedback on this proposal.

Preparatory steps
In order to help us set up the agenda together we will prepare a survey which will be sent out to all MOs. This will be an important tool for identifying relevant topics and for conveying significant information that you would like to pass on to other MOs and organizers of the meeting, both for the content of the meeting and how you would like the meeting to take place (format and methodology).

The survey will be sent out to you on email on the 1st of December 2004.

Additional information on the location, organizational details and host town will be provided later on in an Information Package being prepared for you.

Tools and methods
A website for the annual meeting will be created to facilitate communication between us in order to prepare the meeting. The site will be linked to the NP Europe web-site. The website will contain the following components:
- discussion forum
- announcement board
- database of relevant documents
- links to the websites of all European MOs
- additional information on travel, accommodation, and the city of Cluj-Napoca

Contact persons
Rachel Julian is the person responsible for the meeting, while Denisa Brand-Jacobsen and Jasmina Francetic are your coordinating contact persons provided by the host MO (PATRIR) in Cluj-Napoca.

Please address your inquiries to both Rachel Julian at the office in Brussels and to Denisa and Jasmina at PATRIR.
(suggestion: Messages should be sent to all three addresses, or more? )
E-mail address:,

Traning Programme
We would like to inform you that PATRIR is also hosting a separate event: the training programme "Nonviolence in Theory and Praxis" with Jorgen Johansen and Kai Brand-Jacobsen on the dates 18th - 22nd of April 2005. The programme is an advanced training on skills, methods and principles of nonviolent actions and interventions drawing upon experiences and practice from around the world. Please contact PATRIR for further information if you would like to take part.

With very best wishes and warmest greetings to all, and looking forward to welcoming you to PATRIR in April 2005!
In peace,

NP Europe Annual Meeting Organising Team
Denisa Brand-Jacobsen
Rachel Julian
Jasmina Francetic
Kai Frithjof Brand-Jacobsen