Sri Lanka Nonviolent Peaceforce Report Summary for Aug. 23-Sept. 5
Compiled by Linda Sartor Sept. 27, 2004

Team reports included in this summary:
Matara 30 Aug to 5 Sept;
Trinco 23 Aug. to 5 Sept;
B Team 25 Aug to 2 Sept;
Jaffna 23-30 Aug and 30 Aug to 5 Sept.


Reconfiguration among the field sites of NPSL was initiated. Karen (Germany), Charles (Kenya), and Rita Webb (USA) are joining Angela (Canada), Sreeram (India), and Atif (Pakistan) as permanent Field Team Members (FTMs) in Valaichchenai. Midori (Japan) will be joining Susan (Philippines) in Jaffna. And Kathy (new FTM from Nigeria) will be joining Frank (Ghana) in Matara. The Mutur team will continue with Thomas (USA), Soraia (Brazil/Palestine), and Rita Cruz (Portugal).

There was some tension in Jaffna when several fishermen stormed into the Office of a Fishermen Co-operative Society in protest against the alleged harassments to fishermen by the LTTE – however the conflict was resolved and it appears that Jaffna has returned to its mode of relative calmness. Also in the Jaffna area, it was reported that the SL Navy has been extending the boundary of its camp in Delft, the farthest island in the Peninsula; the apparent purpose is to widen and erect new defense fences.

In Mutur, discussions dealing with the recent dispute between LTTE and Muslims, concerning the resettlement of an area near Mutur continue with no resolution. Halo Trust, which had started a de-mining project in uncleared areas near Mutur have ceased operations, allegedly due to being threatened by LTTE cadre though the LTTE officially denies any intimidation to Halo Trust.

It is reported that pro-Karuna (breakaway faction of the LTTE) people were putting up posters throughout the Trinco district against a consolidated North and East. The LTTE seems to be attempting to regain loyalties of Batticaloa Tamils by sending analysts and senior cadres. But a combination of past events and the current context of violence and constant threat of violence, many local people in Batti seem to be mistrusting both the LTTE and the breakaway fraction lead by Kaurna. We have heard that LTTE is warning ex-cadre to register quickly at local LTTE political offices; otherwise they cannot guarantee their safety.

Increased checkpoint activity (both SL Army and LTTE) is reported and observed. The Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission (SLMM) is under significant pressure and seems to be losing the trust of many.

Local NGOs and Community Based Organizations (CBOs) -- especially those in LTTE-controlled areas -- seem to be progressively losing their trust in INGOs, because INGOs appear to be increasingly less willing to go into those areas. The local organizations get the impression that the INGOs are only interested in information but not in the safety of locals.

Some people are complaining about the steep increase in the cost of living cost.

The culture of silence among ordinary people seems to be increasing.

Several temples held their annual festivals and celebrations.

The Activities of the Field Team Members:

Relationship building and networking
&Mac183; We are directly working with UNICEF on a proposal for collaboration in one field site, and with Save the Children in another.
&Mac183; Had various introductory meetings with: an Asst. Education Director; the Legal Officer of the International Human Rights (IHR); local organizations; local animators (local people who facilitate the work of local organizations in the communities they serve); new volunteers; and other staff in organizations providing services.
&Mac183; Attended the regular monthly meetings of international agencies and an INGO Security meeting.
&Mac183; Provided technical support to PAKAT-NP Working Group; gave information, advised, and supported Low Country CBO re. Japanese Embassy’s grant; and helped one local contact with photographs for a school project.
&Mac183; Agreed with the coordinator of Berghof-Jaffna to observe each other’s North-South dialogue that each is planning to hold.
&Mac183; Provided meeting space in our offices for several local community meetings: Future Peace, a Tamil-Muslim peace initiative, and a community (family) support network.
&Mac183; FTMs from the two field sites in the east attended a national UNICEF seminar on child protection and followed up with meetings with others within each local district who had attended the national event in order to strategize local activities addressing the child rights and protection issues discussed there.

Supporting ex-cadres and their families

Met with a female ex-cadre who earlier requested NP support to enter a training program. We gave her the details about different training options available to her. Then gave her time to think about what she wanted to do and agreed to check in with her next week.

Connecting Civilians in Need to Organizations that Can Assist Them

ß One widow who was in need of humanitarian assistance came to the office and we referred her to Eastern Self-Awakening Community-awakening Organization (ESCO).
ß Visited one “underserviced” community of IDPs—following a lead from LTTE political office—in order to assess needs and match them to local resources.

Rumor Control

Followed up the Gurunagar Fishermen Case. There were 10 Fishermen with three trawlers who were reported to have been severely beaten by the LTTE for fishing in a place that was claimed to be a High Security Zone by the LTTE. Two fishermen were reported to have been severely injured. One of the big fishing boats (trawler) was totally destroyed. Some other fishermen organized a protest, suspending fishing activities and storming into the Office of a Fishermen Co-operative Society managed by the LTTE, where they caused damages. The next day, the 10 fishermen were released by the LTTE. The police are conducting investigations.

We visited the Catholic bishop of Jaffna since in the news it was reported that he had intervened in the matter. During our meeting, he said that it was actually an inter-fishermen's conflict between a group of fishermen using big fishing boats known as trawlers and a group of small fishermen. His story was as follows: when the small fishermen saw the trawlers, the former did not allow the latter to enter. Because of this, a fight among them occurred with the former seeking the help of the LTTE to intervene and the latter began running away. The LTTE asked the fishermen with trawlers to stop running away, and when they didn't, the LTTE began to shoot in the "air." Unfortunately, the bullets hit the engine of the trawler and some of the fishermen. The bishop said that the LTTE has already apologized to the fishermen. Additional information gathered included the following: that the case is already resolved with the LTTE paying compensation for the damaged fishing boat. One report said that the compensation amounted to the tune of Rupees 200,000 ($2,000 USD). We then visited the residence of one of the injured fisherman, who was found transferred to the Kilinochchi hospital for treatment. We intend to visit him in Kilinochchi for interview to learn his side of the story.

Providing protective presence

It came to one field team’s awareness that temple festivals were a time when large numbers of people come together, increasing the possibility for violence. Also, they heard that temple festivals have been a time when families might get the opportunity to see their cadre children, but that families were increasingly staying away because of fears of violence thus missing out on that opportunity. The team decided to provide a conscious presence at three temple festivals that were scheduled at the same time. They invited the local INGO community as well as reinforcements from other NP field sites for three festivals. In preparation, the team visited the temple communities to establish local contacts and in one case a local contact introduced NP to some temple committee members including the president. The team also visited the temple sites to get a sense of where to park, etc. The team elicited participation from SLMM, UNICEF, two INGOs, and Sarvodaya (national NGO). They picked up UNICEF child rights literature to distribute at the festivals. They organized an orientation process to strategize about temple presence. NP agreed to provide presence through each of the nights while the rest of the INGOs contributed during the day. While doing this conscious presence, people from all walks of life -- cadres, devotees and temple committees -- came to NP FTMs and talked to them on many issues. During the three-day period, NP kept in touch with all INGOs about what was happening in all the temple sites.

Field Team Members contributing to the greater NPSL and International NP

&Mac183; Began to make copies of David Grant’s CDs on Simulation Exercise on the Conflict at Israel’s Security Wall, to be sent out to Colombo and the different field teams.
&Mac183; Helped arrange meeting of William and Chito Generoso of PAKAT-NP Working Group in the Philippines.
&Mac183; Field Team Members participate as members on the NP IGC Program Committee, the Transition Planning Committee and the Grievance Committee.


-Developing deep connections and friendships with local people has been identified as a critical impact as the SL community is better able to understand and utilize NP’s services.
-The NP initiative to organize INGOs to provide coordinated conscious presence at the temple festivals has been well received. This has become a common cause among many players.
- We also set a precedent by staying overnight in LTTE areas during the festival presence.
-The people welcomed our presence and there were no incidences of violence or abductions during the three festivals we monitored as far as we know.
-We were invited to be interviewed in a Tamil newspaper in the LTTE headquarters.
-Our offices are being increasingly utilized by local groups and NGO’s for meetings.