United Nations

General Assembly
Economic and Social Council


27 June 1995



Fiftieth session Substantive session of 1995
Item 20 (a) of the preliminary Item 5 of the provisional
list* agenda**


/... A/50/203/Add.1

Participation of volunteers, "White Helmets", in activities of the United Nations in the field of humanitarian relief, rehabilitation and technical cooperation for development

Report of the Secretary-General



Paragraphs Page

I. INTRODUCTION .......................................... 1 -23

A. Views expressed by Governments .................... 4 - 53

* A/50/50/Rev.1.
** E/1995/100.
95-19314 (E) 100795/...
CONTENTS (continued)


B. Views expressed by intergovernmental organizations 64
C. Views expressed by entities within the United Nations system ........................... 7 - 104

PARTNERS IN HUMANITARIAN ASSISTANCE OPERATIONS ............................ 11 - 155
A. Department of Humanitarian Affairs ................ 12 - 136
B. United Nations Volunteers ......................... 14 - 156

ARRANGEMENTS .......................................... 16 - 426
A. Experience ........................................ 16 - 226
B. Areas of possible utilization ..................... 23 - 26 8
C. Coordination arrangements for the "White Helmet" initiative ........................ 27 - 289
D. Financing ......................................... 29 - 3010
E. Databases and other arrangements to facilitate the rapid utilization and deployment of "White Helmets" 31 - 3710
F. Training programmes for "White Helmets" ........... 38 - 3911
G. Status and security of "White Helmets" ............ 40 - 4212

V. CONCLUSIONS ........................................... 43 -4613


1. In resolution 49/139 B of 20 December 1994, entitled "Participation of
volunteers, 'White Helmets', in activities of the United Nations in the
field of humanitarian relief, rehabilitation and technical cooperation for
development", the General Assembly, inter alia, requested the Secretary-
General to submit a report to the Economic and Social Council at its next
substantive session, incorporating the views expressed by Governments and
appropriate intergovernmental organizations and relevant entities within
the United Nations system, in particular the Department of Humanitarian
Affairs of the Secretariat and the United Nations Volunteers programme
(UNV), on ways and means of strengthening national and regional stand-by
arrangements, including the establishment and full utilization of national
volunteer corps, in the area of emergency humanitarian assistance, as well
as in the promotion of a smooth transition from relief to rehabilitation,
reconstruction and development, bearing in mind existing mandates and
activities of the United Nations system.

2. The General Assembly invited the Secretary-General, in this context, to
include in his report the results of his assessment of the potential of:

(a) The provision by the Department and UNV of coordination for
activities to be undertaken by national volunteer corps, including the
supportive role of the Resident Coordinator at the country level;

(b) The establishment of a distinct window within the Special Voluntary

Fund of UNV for channelling funds for operational purposes;

(c) The use of databases within the United Nations system to coordinate
and facilitate the rapid provision of assistance by national volunteer
corps to the United Nations system;

(d) Experiences at the national level with regard to, inter alia,
selection and training, deployment, status and security, and the effective
utilization of stand-by arrangements.


3. The Secretary-General invited Governments, intergovernmental
organizations and relevant entities within the United Nations to express
their views on the "White Helmet" (WH) initiative and on the implementation
of the General Assembly resolution.

A. Views expressed by Governments

4. Twenty-three Governments (Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, Bulgaria,
Chile, Ecuador, Germany, Israel, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Malta, New
Zealand, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United
Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the United States of
America, Uruguay and Zambia) responded to the Secretary-General's letter.
Twenty-two Governments endorsed the WH initiative and expressed their
willingness to participate in its immediate realization. Fifteen
Governments also declared their willingness to play an appropriate role in
matters relating to the training of such national volunteer corps.

5. The question of the financing of WH volunteer corps brought out a more
diverse set of responses from Governments. Only one Government pledged a
financial contribution to the WH fund, while six Governments expressed
their willingness to do so. In their responses, three Governments referred
to the possibility of private sector financing for the initiative.

B. Views expressed by intergovernmental organizations

6. The Organization of African Unity expressed active interest in
obtaining WH support in some of the relevant operations undertaken by its
member States. The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe
conveyed its interest in the initiative and in identifying ways to help in
its financing, as well as its willingness to collaborate as far as training
was concerned.

C. Views expressed by entities within
the United Nations system

7. Responses were received from 14 relevant entities within the United
Nations system. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
Nations welcomed the initiative, indicating interest in the use of
qualified volunteers, and agreed to assist in training and in seeking
funding. The International Labour Organization conveyed its wish to
participate in the initiative, as necessary, and listed several areas of
specific interest where trained volunteers would be appreciated. Special
reference was made to the training facility in Turin and the role it could
play in preparing national volunteer corps for United Nations service. The
International Maritime Organization expressed keen interest in the WH
initiative and drew attention to its need for highly specialized staff.
The Universal Postal Union indicated that its emergency work required
volunteer staff and, therefore, it would participate in the WH initiative.
However, it was not in a position to offer either training or financing.
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

supported the idea of WH volunteers and agreed to consider their use,
training and possible funding. The World Health Organization also welcomed
the initiative and agreed that it could help provide needed health support
in the context of relief, rehabilitation and development assistance, as
well as assist in strengthening cooperation between developing countries.
It stressed the importance of relating the volunteer corps closely to the
agency staff active in the field and stated its willingness to offer advice
for the training of such volunteers. It also maintained that the financing
requirements would have to be met through additional contributions before
the WH initiative could become operational. The International Fund for
Agricultural Development stated that its functions did not relate to the

8. Within the United Nations itself, the United Nations Centre for Human
Settlements (Habitat) affirmed its interest in participating in the WH
initiative. However, it did not foresee any role in the training of
volunteers or in financing the initiative. The United Nations Conference
on Trade and Development also conveyed its interest in qualified national
volunteers in a variety of technical cooperation tasks undertaken by the
organization. The United Nations Population Fund responded favourably to
the inquiry and offered to assist in the training and, to some extent, the
financing of national volunteer corps.

9. The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
stated that it had worked for years with stand-by capacities drawn from
several non-governmental organizations and from UNV, reflecting the profile
required for refugee-related field work. These special arrangements had
proved to be costeffective and were expected to fulfil many staff
requirements of UNHCR; however, to the extent WH volunteers were integrated
into UNV, UNHCR would welcome cooperation, particulary in strengthening
capacity in specialized fields. The United Nations Children's Fund also
expressed interest in taking part in the WH initiative and agreed to play a
role in the training of such volunteers and to help seek funding for the
initiative. The World Food Programme welcomed the WH initiative and
elaborated on the practical implications of using local staff in relief
operations. It agreed, in principle, to participate on an "as necessary"
basis. It expressed willingness to offer advice on training needs and
recalled its financial dependence on the donor community. Two regional
commissions, the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
and the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, replied
that the use of WH volunteers, by them, was not considered likely at the
present time.

10. In order to consult as broadly as possible, letters of inquiry were
also addressed to United Nations Resident Coordinators. While many
Governments have not yet formally responded to the Secretary-General's
letter, several discussed with the respective field offices issues relating
to the WH initiative. These discussions also served to clarify what the
local authorities would need to do in preparing national personnel for
participating in the envisaged volunteer corps.


11. The General Assembly, in its resolution 49/139 B, called on the United
Nations system, and in particular the Department of Humanitarian Affairs
and UNV, to contemplate and encourage the use of WH expertise available
from the newly created national volunteer corps to support activities in
the area of emergency humanitarian assistance, as well as in the promotion
of a smooth transition from relief to rehabilitation, reconstruction and

A. Department of Humanitarian Affairs

12. The primary role of the Emergency Relief Coordinator and Under-
SecretaryGeneral for Humanitarian Affairs, on behalf of the Secretary-
General of the United Nations, is to facilitate a coherent, coordinated and
timely response by the United Nations system to emergencies and natural

13. The Emergency Relief Coordinator takes the lead in securing agreement
on the division of responsibilities among organizations of the United
Nations system in responding to emergency situations in accordance with
their respective mandates. The Coordinator is also responsible for
establishing coordination mechanisms, organizing needs assessment missions,
preparing consolidated appeals and mobilizing resources; facilitating
access to populations in need and ensuring that emergency assistance is
provided in ways that are supportive of recovery and longer-term
development so as to reduce dependency on emergency relief. The
Coordinator provides guidance to United Nations Resident Coordinators on
the exercise of their responsibility, under normal circumstances, for
coordinating humanitarian assistance of the United Nations system at the
country level. The Coordinator is responsible, in particular, for
facilitating the preparedness of the United Nations system, assisting in
the transition from relief to development and promoting the use of locally
or regionally available relief capacities.

B. United Nations Volunteers

14. The United Nations Volunteers programme was established on 1 January
1971. In accordance with the provisions of General Assembly resolution 2659
(XXV) of 7 December 1970, UNV was placed under the administrative auspices
of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and charged to work "in
collaboration with the United Nations agencies concerned".

15. The nature and scope of its mandate has enabled UNV to participate, as
an integral partner, in various peace-keeping and peace-building
operations, humanitarian relief, and rehabilitation and development
programmes, as well as in activities in support of democratization
processes. The role played by UNV within the United Nations system as a
whole is now well recognized and appreciated and has resulted in calls for
increased use of UNV-provided personnel in the above-mentioned operations.


A. Experience

16. The Department of Humanitarian Affairs has considerable experience in
developing and maintaining stand-by arrangements, especially for responding
to natural disasters. Two such specific capacities relate to the United
Nations Disaster Assessment and Coordination (UNDAC) teams and the Military
and Civil Defence Assets (MCDA) project. UNDAC teams have successfully
assisted in responding to numerous disaster situations. The teams comprise
national experts whose stand-by availability is agreed upon between the
Governments and the Department. The experts collaborate closely with
United Nations personnel. While specialized training of the teams is the
responsibility of the national Government, additional training is provided
by the Department for the purposes of their deployment to ensure their full
effectiveness. The teams are financed and maintained by national
Governments. In certain cases, national Governments also finance their

17. The MCDA project provides for the utilization of military and civil
defence assets to support the United Nations system in its response to
natural disasters. Guidelines for the use of MCDA in international
response to natural, technological and environmental emergencies have been
finalized. Arrangements have also been made to identify training
requirements for MCDA military and civil defence personnel and to design

appropriate curricula. Several fieldbased exercises have helped prepare
participants in the actual use of MCDA in simulated disaster-relief

18. The experience of the Department with UNDAC and MCDA can be brought to
bear on the key issues relating to the availability, training and
deploymentof stand-bynational teamsinthe implementationof theWH initiative.

19. The United Nations Volunteers programme has, through the development
of new strategies, linkages with national providers of volunteer
professionals and partnerships with United Nations system organizations.
It has demonstrated a capacity for rapidly fielding large numbers of
volunteers in support of United Nations field operations. Since its first
activities with the United Nations Office for the Coordination of
Humanitarian Assistance to Afghanistan (UNOCHA) and the United Nations
Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC), to the more recent United
Nations Operation in Mozambique (ONUMOZ) and United Nations Operation in
Somalia (UNOSOM), and including current operations such as the United
Nations Observer Mission in Liberia (UNOMIL), the United Nations Assistance
Mission for Rwanda (UNAMIR), the United Nations Mission in Haiti (UNMIH),
and the United Nations Mission for Verification of Human Rights and
Compliance with Comprehensive Agreements on Human Rights in Guatemala
(MINUGUA), more than 2,000 UNV volunteers have served or are serving in
humanitarian and emergency relief, rehabilitation, reconstruction,
repatriation, human rights and electoral programmes. 1/

20. As the initiator of the WH project, the Government of Argentina has
established a Comision de Lucha Contra el Hambre y la Pobreza. The
Commission and UNV have collaborated on the elaboration of the WH
initiative and on developing a workable model within the framework
envisaged by the General Assembly in resolution 49/139 B.

21. Through their collaborative efforts, the Commission and UNV are
seeking to develop the capacity to provide, through UNV, volunteer
expertise for United Nations organizations for effective and rapid
response. The increased capacity of the Commission, as well as the
deployment and utilization of teams identified and constituted through it,
will enable it to participate in and contribute substantially to relevant
United Nations operations. Initial proposals being considered in this
context include projects in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bolivia, Haiti and Gaza.

22. The model, once refined, could help guide the WH process and may be
replicated for other national volunteer corps, with adaptations as required
on a country-by-country basis.

B. Areas of possible utilization

23. The number, size and complexity of United Nations operations have
grown significantly in recent years. They increasingly extend beyond
traditional roles to cover a broad range of functions, from humanitarian
relief assistance in complex emergencies to repatriation and resettlement,
restoration of infrastructures and social services, community-level post-
conflict confidencebuilding, conflict prevention/resolution, assistance in
human rights monitoring and electoral processes, as well as in
administration and management. In situations of complex emergencies, their
activities are expected to focus, at least initially, on emergency response
and early stages of rehabilitation.

24. The WH process could facilitate the mobilization of existing local
expertise, revitalize previously constituted local non-governmental
organizations and community-based organizations, as well as help in the
organization and promotion of new arrangements.

25. The UNV programme has consistently sought to promote participatory
processes by using appropriate volunteer modalities, including mixed teams

of international and national personnel, and by creating direct linkages
between UNV specialists and local populations. The basic premise of UNV is
that, whatever the circumstance, the populations concerned must have the
right, and the ability, to influence actions affecting their lives. Local
capacities for voluntarism would be promoted and strengthened.

26. Based on past experience where United Nations volunteers, in
collaboration with United Nations bodies, have assisted in a diverse range
of activities, WH deployment could include:

(a) Assuring the delivery of urgent food and non-food relief supplies
(e.g., housing) and services (e.g., basic health, sanitation, epidemiology)
to victims of forced migration;

(b) Providing support to local emergency relief coordinating units,
including necessary skills and local managerial capacity to support
effective access to afflicted populations;

(c) Assisting in registration for return, and in logistical and
technical arrangements for resettlement and repatriation, of refugees and
internally displaced persons;

(d) Assisting in monitoring respect for, and enabling protection of,
human rights, together with measures for confidence-building and conflict
prevention/ resolution at the community level;

(e) Assisting in demobilizing, retraining and reintegration efforts;

(f) Supporting the reorganization/operation of local services (for
example, health centres, food distribution, housing);

(g) Enabling the victims of forced population movements to return to
their countries of origin or to integrate in their countries of refuge.

C. Coordination arrangements for the "White Helmet" initiative

27. In accordance with its mandate, the Department of Humanitarian Affairs
would ensure the necessary coordination in the field. In close
consultation with United Nations Resident Coordinators and together with
its operational partners, the Department would assess the need for
additional personnel in a particular emergency situation and identify with
UNV the special skills and volunteer component strength required.

28. Mechanisms already exist for the ad hoc fielding of teams in the
earliest stages of emergency and the identification and recruitment of
personnel required to meet needs in emergency and related operations.
Implementation of the WH initiative would involve adding to these
mechanisms certain arrangements, under the aegis of the Department and UNV,
to address inter alia the following:

(a) The identification and definition of appropriate sectors for WH

(b) Establishing respective responsibilities in mission assessment and
planning activities, professional categories, and composition of field
teams, as well as essential professional qualifications of personnel

(c) Screening and selecting stand-by WH teams and team members available
for deployment on short notice;

(d) Ensuring, as appropriate, in accordance with distribution of WH
teams, ethnic and geographic diversity and gender sensitivity;

(e) Deployment time and procedures for fielding of WH teams and


(f) Status and conditions of service for WH personnel within the overall
framework of conditions of service for United Nations field personnel;

(g) Financial and accountability arrangements and requirements;

(h) Modalities for integration of WH personnel, individually or in field
teams, within the operational structure of the missions;

(i) Reporting channels, procedures and requirements.

D. Financing

29. The viability of the WH initiative is ultimately predicated on the
availability of financing for their training and deployment. As stipulated
in General Assembly resolution 43/139 B, UNV has established a separate
account within its Special Voluntary Fund for contributions for the
implementation of activities envisaged for the WH initiative. Only one
Government has so far committed funds to the initiative, while some have
expressed interest and others have referred to the possibility of private
sector financing.

30. The Department of Humanitarian Affairs is prepared to explore in
general, as well as for specific cases, the use of the consolidated appeal
process for WH-related fund-raising. The way in which consolidated appeals
are currently framed would make it possible, once the initiative becomes
operational and volunteer teams are available for field assignments, to
include in such appeals a provision for the financing of the use of WH
volunteers in United Nations operations. The existing shortfalls in relief
funding should, however, be borne in mind in this context.

E. Databases and other arrangements to facilitate the rapid
utilization and deployment of "White Helmets"

31. UNV maintains a roster of candidates as the central component of the
process of matching suitable candidates with identified needs. Organized
according to areas of UNV interventions, the roster lists several thousand
candidates distributed among major occupational groups and subdivided into
professional categories. The composition of the roster is determined by
demand and supply considerations and takes into account such additional
elements as nationality, gender and language skills.

32. The strengthening of national arrangements and the development of
national volunteers sending capacity are integral components of the UNV
mandate. On this basis, UNV would endeavour to develop arrangements that
would ensure the most effective cooperation with the providers of WH

33. UNV operates within the UNDP network of field offices and maintains
national focal points in developing countries, as well as cooperating
organizations in 39 industrialized countries. In addition to these
traditional recruitment partners, UNV occasionally calls on professional
associations, educational institutions and other organizations specializing
in a particular field, and/or undertakes targeted advertising and
recruitment campaigns when required to supplement or replenish its roster.

34. In support of the WH initiative and to meet needs identified in the
field, a decentralized model of national participants, which includes
information on types of teams ready for deployment and functional areas of
expertise, could be envisaged as part of an overall roster system
maintained by UNV in accordance with the parameters defined by the
Department of Humanitarian Affairs and UNV.

35. National participating organizations would be expected to constitute
teams of qualified volunteers (perhaps focusing on a limited number of
areas of coverage identified by each organization), assure their
specialized training and facilitate the rapid deployment and integration of
such teams, including the building of linkages with local non-governmental
organizations and communitybased organizations in the receiving countries.
To the extent possible, national participating organizations would identify
and pre-position equipment and material necessary for effective operations
once fielded. The Department and UNV would create teams from the groups of
nationals from the participating countries. In this regard, care would
also need to be taken to avoid imbalance between countries providing

36. UNV and the Department would aim to develop an information-sharing
system that would assure the effective management of the decentralized

37. The goal would be to have an arrangement whereby the United Nations
system, through appropriate collaboration between the Department and UNV,
could call on the national participants to provide teams, groups or
individuals with the relevant expertise, without further screening and
using streamlined administrative procedures.

F. Training programmes for "White Helmets"

38. Recognizing that experience in a particular field, alone, is not
always sufficient to enable a skilled professional to be successfully
fielded and to function within the context of United Nations operations,
UNV would seek, subject to the availability of resources, to develop and
present various orientation and training programmes, including, as
appropriate, utilizing existing modules such as the Disaster Management
Training Programme, tailored for the specific needs of the WH volunteers.
Accordingly, a series of training programmes, with the following
components, could be envisaged:

(a) The basic training programme could include elements relating to
substantive aspects of the assignments, including:

(i) Structure of the United Nations system;

(ii)Disaster Management Training Programme background and objectives;

(iii)Disaster assessment/vulnerability and risk assessment;

(iv)Displaced persons in civil conflict;

(v)Information management and communications;

(vi)International humanitarian law;

(vii)Stress management;

(viii)Participatory approaches;

(ix)Administrative issues, including logistics, communications and
reporting procedures;
(b) Other training programmes, organized and conducted on a mission-
bymission basis as required by the prevailing circumstances, could consist
of aspects relating to the country of assignment, including:

(i)Language training;

(ii)In-country conditions;

(iii)Cultural sensitization;

(c) Training programmes could also be developed that focus on personal
security matters, addressing the following:

(i)Attitudinal and behavioral factors;

(ii)Communications procedures;

(iii)First aid procedures;

(iv)Local political conditions, local reaction to the United Nations,
special sensitivities, as well as public conduct.

39. The investment in training should provide benefits in terms of better
understanding and quicker integration of WH volunteers into new missions,
while reducing risks of maladjustment. Existing training programmes could
be updated and expanded in consultation with the Department of Humanitarian
Affairs and operational agencies to ensure adequate training resources and
facilities according to anticipated needs. As the WH initiative matures
with field experience, training responsibilities could be transferred to
the field level.

G. Status and security of "White Helmets"

40. Volunteers selected to participate in WH activities would be
contracted by, and would serve under conditions of service applicable to
the assignment and other rules and regulations of, UNV (including the Code
of Conduct and applicable United Nations security guidelines and

41. In the performance of their duties, volunteers would follow the
overall administrative rules and procedures of United Nations structure in
the country of assignment. UNV, through its in-country UNV Programme
Officer, Programme Administration and Support Unit, or similar structures,
would assure the proper and effective field administration and management
of WH volunteers within the overall system of adminstration and management
of UNV.

42. Substantive technical backstopping, including in-work planning and
implementation, would be provided by the United Nations organizations
concerned or recipient national institutions to which WH volunteers would
be assigned.


43. The adoption of General Assembly resolution 49/139 B, in the light of
the growing demands for manpower and funds to mitigate the suffering and
destruction caused by numerous emergencies, represents an innovative
opportunity for the effective, efficient and economical provision of
assistance to the intended beneficiaries of the United Nations system's
operations, tapping existing but as yet unstructured and therefore
unrealized sources of volunteer expertise. More than merely providing a
new human resource base, the WH initiative presents a new opportunity for
creative and resourceful programme design, formulation and implementation.

44. The WH initiative, however, can become viable only if and when
Governments set up or encourage the creation of national volunteer corps
and provide the necessary financial resources for their operation. Once
nominations of such volunteer teams are finalized, UNV would store such
information in a central database, and update it, as necessary, along the
lines of its practice in dealing with individual volunteers.

45. Once several volunteer teams have served successfully under United
Nations auspices, experiences gained would help identify the lacunae in the
evolving volunteer service scheme. This experience would also allow for

the review of various aspects of the arrangement, such as coordinated
preparedness, planning, continuing government support and advocacy, and
ways and means to enhance the effectiveness, efficiency and economy of the
deployment of WH volunteers.

46. Governments are invited to provide the necessary financial support and
take the necessary measures to set up national volunteer teams in order to
achieve the objectives of the WH initiative.


1/ For example, in Cambodia, close to 800 district electoral
supervisors, camp officers, engineers and mechanics were provided for
UNTAC; in Mozambique, nearly 100 camp and operations officers and 150
electoral support officers served; in South Africa, 205 UNV specialists
supported UNOMSA; more than 100 volunteers served during the course of
UNOSOM; and more than 70 volunteers are serving under recruitment in
MINUGUA, UNAMIR, UNMIH and UNAVEM. In Afghanistan, Burundi, the Islamic
Republic of Iran, Iraq, Liberia, Malawi and the former Yugoslavia,
volunteers are serving as protection officers, logisticians, foodaid
monitors and civics educators, conflict prevention and resolution
specialists, medical services personnel, relief coordinators, construction
managers and engineers, urban planners and architects, air traffic
controllers, fleet maintenance specialists, radio and telecommunications
specialists, disaster-preparedness planners and social services



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