Testimoni della Nonviolenza

Scritti di e su Gene Sharp

Gene Sharp A Biographical Profile
Selected from www.peace.ca

Gene Sharp: Author of the nonviolent revolution rulebook
By Ruaridh Arrow

Insegnare il potere della gente (People power)
Jesse Walker intervista Gene Sharp

Il People Power abbatte i Regimi
di Angelo Aquaro

Le idee di Gene Sharp irrompono nella realtà
Intervista di Metta Spencer

Shy U.S. Intellectual Created Playbook Used in a Revolution
By Sheryl Gay Stolberg

Gene Sharp's Theory of Power*
by Brian Martin

Power and Struggle
by Gene Sharp

Gene Sharp
interviewed by Metta Spencer

Gene Sharp
interviewed byNoreen Shanaha

The Methods of Nonviolent Protest and Persuasion
by Gene Sharp

The Technique of Nonviolent Action
by Gene Sharp
